So here is my blog that I will use to update anyone interested in my progress. It might be a simple update or some story to keep you entertained. At any rate I hope my rantings will keep me inspired to better myself...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eating my feelings or Why I will never be a cop.

So again a big gap since when I have posted last.  It's been a very busy 1.5 weeks with some big highs and even bigger lows....well just one HUGE low.  Last week when I didn't blog I gained a pound.  I missed days at the gym and didn't eat very well.  I was surprised it was just a pound.  This week the gym and eating have been even worse. Since I am being negative Ill state with my shitty ass news.

So most of you know that I am in school and trying to get my bachelors in nursing.  I had planned on applying next semester to start school in the Spring of 2012.  I went to talk to an advisor just to make sure that I had all the classes I needed and to make sure that I was competitive.  I'll digress here for a minute, the College of Nursing (CON) looks primarily at two things, your overall GPA and your science GPA.  They take each score and combine them to give you a combined GPA.  Then they take the top 48 people.  That's it. No waiting list, no appeals, nothing.  You either get in or you don't.  The reason I bring this up is because when I went in to see where my standing was and to see if applying would be worthwhile, I was pretty much told it would be a waste of my time.  Even though I have worked pretty hard for my current GPA of 3.5 and my science GPA of 3.5, the ONE semester that I took at then TVI, 12 years ago fucks me.  I got two B's, a D, and an F.  With those classes in my GPA it pulls it down to a 3.0.  I went from being very competitive to not even in the race.  I fought and fought with the advisor and tried to work things out but she said short of me retaking the classes at CNM and getting a grade replacement if they do that like UNM does, I shouldn't even waste my time.  Even the fact that I took both classes at UNM and got an A+ and an A-, they don't care.  So I went to CNM to see if they did grade replacements, and they do but it works different than UNM's.  On UNM's transcripts you see that you took the class more than once but you only see the highest grade.  On CNM's transcripts they show both classes and both grades, but they only factor the higher grade.  So the D and the F are still on my transcript.  I returned to the advisor and explained how they did it at CNM, she said she didn't know if it would work, but it would be worth a try.  So long story short, the last two years that I've gone to school seem pretty worthless.  I'm at a loss at what to do.  I could apply for the nursing program at CNM and I would only have to take one more class to get in, but unlike UNM you have to have completed all of the pre-reqs before you can apply.  Well the cutoff date for applying would be before I finish the one class. The earliest I could apply would be for the Spring of 2012.  It's a full two year program and I would only get my associates.  With this shitty ass news, I have been eating my feelings and not going to the gym....FUCK MY LIFE!

So onto something a little lighter, and hopefully funnier.  The story you are about to read is true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent and co-conspirators...but it is a story that will show you why I will never be a police officer. 

Last October my friend "Patti Stanger", my friend "Derek Saathoff", (I'll wait why you google them...if you know who these people are and who my friends are you will know why I gave them these code names) and I were talking about going to see the smash Broadway musical "Wicked".  We purchased tickets and eagerly awaited February to see the show.  The big day finally arrived and we had decided to eat a fancy meal before the show.  We had such a great time at dinner catching up with old friends that when we finally finished we were running late.  We decided that our other friend "Santana Lopez" would ride with us and I would drive.  As usual I was trying to drive like a bat out of hell and threw my car into reverse and slammed on the gas.  As I shot out of the parking space I realized I was hurtling towards a marked police car.  With only a few seconds to spare I slammed down on my brakes with both feet, as if by using both feet I would slow down faster.  The car jerked to a stop...either because the pressure of the of the brakes or the impact of my car against the police car.  I pulled forward and at the urging of my passengers I got out to inspect the damage.  It was on a dark street with no lighting so when I got out I couldn't see much.  I got close to the police car, but I couldn't see anything and likewise with my car.  I started to head back to my car and saw a police officer running towards his car.  Instead of doing what I should have done and gotten out to speak to the officer I sped off like the devil himself was chasing me.  Now the innocent thing I should have done is I should have taken major streets in case I did hit the car I would have been easy to find.  But noooo I decided I would take sidestreets. 

We made it to the show with just barely enough time to use the restroom and find out seats.  Did I actually hit the cop car?  Who knows?  Who cares?  All I know is that I will delete this posting if I'm ever asked, and I know that my passengers will never say a word, because at this point they are accomplices to a hit-and-run accident as well as assault on a police officer, and maybe even harboring a fugitive since they were at the scene of the crime, rode with me to another location, and still have not said a word.  At any rate, they are as guilty as I am!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hey, sorry it has been a while since I have posted.  This past week, even though I was off school for four out of five days, was extremely busy.  I'm still super busy but I finished taking a test and I was the first out of 150 to finish.  It took me 13 minutes to do a 50 question multiple choice test.  So either I did really really well or really really poorly.

I missed a few days at the gym but I'm proud to say that I lost 4lbs this week, bringing my total loss to 25lbs.  The professor is calling us all back to class so I shall be going.  I'll try to update more this week.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Please spell telephone...

So I titled this blog "Please spell telephone" because with this week’s weight loss it brings me back to where I was at last year when I was in the musical "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee".  So the grand total weight loss for January is 21lbs.  I know that if I can keep on it this month I will lose even more weight.  My goal for two months was 55lbs.  I don't think that I will get there, but I bet I will be down 45lbs by the end of February.

Also I've decided to stop weighing myself at the gym.  The last two weeks I've gone to weigh myself, the scale at the gym was showing a pound or two already on the scale when no one was on it.  I decided that I couldn’t trust its accuracy.