So here is my blog that I will use to update anyone interested in my progress. It might be a simple update or some story to keep you entertained. At any rate I hope my rantings will keep me inspired to better myself...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How to almost flip an eliptical...

So its been a while since my last blog.  Something about taking 18 credit hours and working 40+ hours a week will keep you kind of busy!  So far so good though.  I love all my classes except philosophy.  My brain just doesn't think that way.  And I hate how everything I say and defend my professor says that it's close to the message the author was trying to convey, but not quite. 

On another note, my classic studies professor, Dr. Monica Cyrino is amazingly CRAZY!!!  She starts off the first class with telling us there is going to be a lot of fucks and bitches dropped in her lectures and if we don't like it, there's the fucking door.  She does an amazing Miley Cyrus impersonation, and she loves Prada!  I can tell that I'm going to love that class.

My updated weight this week is 330lbs.  So in a total of three weeks, I've dropped 14lbs.  Not too shabby.  I know that it didn't come on over night and it wont get lost over night.  Today, I had a tragic accident at the gym.  I took off early so I could go workout since I missed my morning gym time.  I was happily trucking along on the eliptical when I decided to changed the direction of movement.  As soon as I did my right leg cramped up.  It felt like the devil was ripping my gastrocnemius off the bone and wadding it up.  I stepped down on that leg inadvertently and this caused my body to spring to the other side.  This rapid movement of my massive weight caused a shift in gravity around me and forced the eliptical on two of its legs.  It looked like I was driving it like a bat out of hell and had just robbed a bank and was speeding away from the cops, taking the corner on two wheels.  Luckily I was able to use my mutant power of retard strength to hold me upright and the machine righted itself.  Needless to say this caused quite a noise.  Once I noticed every eye in the gym was on me, I wiped the machine down and hobbeled out of there.  I don't plan on going back at night anytime soon. 

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a great! I'm very proud of you and you should be very proud of yourself!!! I have morning classes but maybe we can get together on the weekends and workout. I'll get your email and send you my schedule and see if we can make it work. LOVE YOU! btw way... I hate ellipticals... they are EVIL!
