So here is my blog that I will use to update anyone interested in my progress. It might be a simple update or some story to keep you entertained. At any rate I hope my rantings will keep me inspired to better myself...

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Beginning

So my countdown...this is what it was counting down, my departure from Facebook, at least a temporary departure.  I had originally thought about cancelling it because I spent far too much time worrying about the gossip I could get, the hotties I could, or how much money my mafia was making.  I spent so many valuable hours on those trivial things that I lost time for important things.  Things like studying, going to the gym, face to face meetings with my friends.  I was living my life through Facebook.

So one day I was taking a small break from FB when I came across an article about a man who created a blog about his journey to be healthy.  He thought that if he could lose any weight that would be a win for him.  In the end he lost over a hundred pounds.  I know results vary by person, but I thought if I lay it all out there, if I let people know what I'm doing I will become accountable for my success.  I will have people asking me how my day has been and what choices I've made.  I will create a support team for myself, at least those few of you who are following me and my day to day rants, successes, and failures.  On top of this I'll be shamed into making better choices because my business will be out there. 

Will I succeed?  I don't know.  But I know that I need to do this for myself.  I think how can I be involved in a healthcare position and be totally unhealthy.  Do I expect to have the body of a Spartan?  HA!  I can dream, but no I don't.  I just want to be able to dance the night away or go hiking with friends or even feel comfortable in public. 

So my rules for myself are simple:
1. No Facebook until I lose my first 50 pounds.
2. No electronics (unless needed for school) until I've been to the gym. 
3. I will be imposing a self-exile until I've lost the first 50 pounds.  So this means no more weekend nights at the club, no more dinner dates, no more movies with friends.  If you want to get a hold of me call me, text me, email me. 
4. At least an hour of physical activity a day.  I have a gym on campus and I have a membership at Defined.  I have no excuses, especially since a benefit at work is an hour a day three days a week on the clock work out time. 
5. I will make healthy, or at least in the beginning, healthier eating choices.  No more fast food, no more fried food, and no more sweets....well I'll cut back on those.

If you are following this I ask a few things of you:
1. If you see me ask me how the gym was, or hell even text or call me and ask me how the gym went.
2. If you know I'm still in my self-imposed exile, please don't make it hard by asking me to go out or telling me the fabulous times you've had without me.
3. Once I start going out again, help me make healthier choices.  I'm not asking for anyone to by my mother or father and order for me, but we all fall from time to time and we need help back up.

What I promise you:
1. I will try my hardest to succeed.
2. I don't think I can post every day, but I will post something often and I'll try to make it humorous or maybe leave a joke.
3. I promise that no matter what I won't disappear off the face of the earth in this process.

Wow, if you've read this far you must really care about me, either you want to see me fail and will relish my failures, or you want to see me succeed.  Either way thank you for your support.  And I hope that over the course of however long this lasts I will be able to make lasting changes and maybe even along the way I'll inspire someone to make changes in their lives.  With all that being said, I'm going to bed.  I have a big day ahead of me.


  1. You got this! I have total faith you will succeed! If you need anything let me know! =)

  2. Good luck Ryan you can do this. If you want to go out for a hike let me know. Some beautiful trails out there and I promise not to get you lost. cleo

  3. So proud of u Ryan! U can do this!

  4. You can do this Ryan! I will help you in any way I can. If you want a friend to workout with at Defined, let me know. I'm back on track too and you are inspiring me to Stay on track. Love you!

  5. I know you can do it. Ive seen you do it before. I can remeber when you came to visit us in El Paso and how good you looked then. I will help in any way I can, what ever you need, just let me know! What days/times are you planning on going to the gym?

  6. You can best believe you will be on your ass at work. *fist in the air!* RED NATION!!!!!
    Do it for your people!!! Ugh. You can do it Ryan, I have faith in you.

  7. Ryan.. Hey buddy!
    We need to chat... I work all three jobs today so it may have to wait till the kids are at recess or I am at lunch but I am going to call you because you and I are going to be a team. I started one week ago on my journey and since then I have been to the gym everyday for the last 10 days and when I dont' go to the gym I still go jogging.
    I have so much information for you to read and recepies you can download, I also know of a kick ass running app/program that I started 3 weeks ago called couch to 5K that you can download on your ipod that will get you ready to run a 5K in like 8weeks so long as you do it at least 3 times a week. I have to tell you I am on week 3 and its kicking my ass... but I have lost 10 pounds in the last 10 days!
    Seriously we need to chat! I can be your cheerleader... but you have to promise to be mine too! I love you ryan! And I am so proud of the decision you have made and I support you with all my heart!
    PS... Starbucks is running in the Cupid Chase 5K in 8 weeks.... wanna do it with me??? I know I won't be able to run the whole thing... maybe not even half... but my goal is to finish a 5K in less than 45minutes... thats (3) 15minute miles... Let me know! I will call you today!
