So here is my blog that I will use to update anyone interested in my progress. It might be a simple update or some story to keep you entertained. At any rate I hope my rantings will keep me inspired to better myself...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Gay Compliment

So this week has been a little trying.  School is kicking my butt!  I don't know if I have let you all know, but I am taking 18 credit hours and working 40+ hours a week.  Granted they are all lower level classes and the work is mostly busy work, but it's hard to keep up with it all.  I was only able to get to the gym three times this week.  I'm hoping that I can get back on track. 

I've decided that one feature of the blog will be to help my straight readers understand Gay culture.  Just like the culture of Immigrants, Gay culture is steeped in tradition and history.  However, our history really starts with the Stonewall Riots of 1969.  These events are credited with the start of the gay rights movement.  Anywho I will not really be giving a history lesson, I just wanted you all to know that we take pride in where we have come from and what we have overcome. 

One thing that our community has perfected over the years is called the "gay compliment" or "GC".  A GC is defined as: a backhanded or barbed compliment. An insult usually about one's physical apperance disguised as a compliment.  I stress physical apperance because the gays are very superficial, so we have perfected the art of dissing someone in public, to their face and in front of their friends, without causing a scene. 
Examples of a GC:
"Wow those jeans make you look so skinny."
"Back in high school I never thought you would look this hot."

Or the one that someone told me, and the reason I'm bringing this all up:
"You are actually a really handsome dude. If you lost a few pounds you wouldn’t be able to keep the dudes away. Myself included."

So I should have told this guy to fuck off, sad thing though is that most gays are programmed to accept the compliment part and then work on the insult to get the approval of this person.  All I can say is I have the mindset now that I am a handsome guy, and when I lose the weight and I'm even hotter, this guy can fuck off then.  I'm doing it for myself, not some hot guy. 

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