So here is my blog that I will use to update anyone interested in my progress. It might be a simple update or some story to keep you entertained. At any rate I hope my rantings will keep me inspired to better myself...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

In Progress...

So I haven't really updated the blog because I haven't had anything exciting to tell you.  So I think I'll just give a quick update and some minor things that have occurred and then respond to your comments.

It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be.  I think working at night makes it easier because I can't get up and go for fast food whenever I want.  And I come home pretty tired so I tend to come home and fall asleep.  I'll get up around 9:00 and head to the gym for a few hours.  So far it's been 6 days in a row at the gym.  Some days I've felt like I wanted to throw up from working out, but *knock on wood* I haven't...yet. 

Although, one day I was running on the treadmill next to this old bag that looked like she was 163 years old.  When I first got on the treadmill I smelled a faint odor that I'm sure at full power would have smelled similar to rotting pig flesh covered in Roquefort cheese.  Boy was I wrong!  After about 30 minutes of walking/running on the treadmill I was knocked back by a wall of odor that, if bottled could be used as chemical warfare.  Again, I'm assuming these items combined would make this scent, but it smelled like burnt hair, dog poop, and Indian food that had been pureed and poured down the sweaty ass crack of a sumo wrestler.  To top it off, everyone else around us when I had first started was gone so it was me and the old lady, so I knew it had to be her.  What made matters even worse is that she gave me the look of death after she dropped her shit bomb and then left.  The cherry on this pie is that shortly after she left, a very attractive silver fox got on the treadmill next to me.  He moved even before he started.  Thank God I have not seen him since. 

I'm nervous about this week.  I leave for Denver on Wednesday and I know that I'll be eating out.  Anyone have any tips on eating healthy when on vacation and eating out??

Now to your comments:
Karissa~ Thanks!  Just your support.  And I know that I've put myself on exile but text me and let’s keep in touch.  Maybe a movie night?  Something fun but not out in public.
Cleo~I so cannot wait to go hiking!  I've always wanted to but I don't know any cool places to go.  Also, I'm still waiting for your friend to call me with her "problem" ;)
Vonnie~Maybe once I get in better shape we can go running?  Do you have any tips on increasing endurance?
Michelle~Girl we need to work out together!  I've been going to San Mateo about 9-930, but school starts next week and I know my schedule will change.  I'm off on Sat/Sun, maybe we can go once a week together?
Matt~I had a goal to work towards and in the past I never did.  I guess working out for my health should have been my goal, but I think if I have a goal I can see, that will make it easier to achieve.  There is an event I'm going to in March, and I want to have dropped my 50lbs by then.  Hopefully more!  Due to school my gym schedule is going to change.  When I know what it will be I'll let you know.  If anything, maybe we could do Sundays before family dinner?
Jules~Thanks!  It helps to have another RED NATION member cheering me on.  And even though we aren't on the same shift anymore, you are still my work wife.  I look at it as we had to work opposite shifts for daycare reasons.  ;)
Courtney~ My legs feel like they are on fire!  I would much rather hack them off with a plastic knife then have this pain.  I do know that it's only temporary so I will try to muster the strength to fight through it.  Thanks for checking up on me!

That's all for now.  My weigh in days will be Wednesday's so make sure to check back then for my updated weight.

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